Manawatū Kiwi Canoe Polo
Manawatū Kiwi
Canoe Polo

MKCP Code of Conduct

Complaints process
What can complaints be about?
Complaints may be made about things such as actions or decisions of organisation members or officials, processes not being managed well (or at all), disagreements between members, unprofessional or upsetting behaviour, or delays or failure to communicate about matters affecting a person.
Complaints may involve:
organisation management issues
conflicts of interest (including favouritism)
off-field unsporting behaviour
disrespectful behaviour
sexual harassment
abuse of power
health and safety risks
offensive/insulting language or behaviour.
First - Talk to your coach / event organiser / Grade Coordinator
If no resolution is sought, or you wish to escalate your complaint you may contact
Amy Walters - MKCP President and COC Committee Officer 027 2235773
Cheryl Palmer - MKCP Child Protection Officer & COC Committee Officer 0211306716
Anthony Thomas - COC Committee Officer
027 6875804
John Frost - COC Committee Officer 027 3110088
Behaviour Policy - Code of Conduct
Polo is an assertive, competitive game which requires a high level of energy and investment. Sometimes it might be difficult to keep your emotions, thoughts and behaviour in check. We recognise that managing emotions is a developing skill in adolescents.
We all have ‘off’ days and we all say and do the wrong thing sometimes. Your teammate, parent or coach might give feedback to you about what they see or hear. Our aim at all points is to support you to know what is of concern and where to improve in everyday life.
However, we will not hesitate to sanction for breaches to the code of conduct. When behaviour challenges on repeated occasions, a pattern of behaviour is noted or a serious incident is noted, we move to our disciplinary policy.
Player Code of Conduct expectations
All registered members, supporters of players, and officials representing MKCP as a coach, manager or committee member, all agree to follow the MKCP Code of Conduct.
All individuals associated with MKCP must agree that they will -
Be a good team member. Be on time, communicate, be inclusive and supportive.
Maintain good sportsmanship on and off the water, at all times. Be fair and positive.
Respect the rules or the game, team members, organisers and officials.
Never engage in any form of bullying, harassment (sexual or other), intimidation, racism, discrimination, or victimisation towards others, through any means. Including social media and other online forums.
Never verbally or physically abuse, nor threaten any Individual or group.
Respect the property of others, the environment and space in which we train and play.
Do not possess, supply or consume prohibited substances (alcohol, illegal drugs, vapes) while representing MKCP, or in the vicinity of canoe polo training and events.
Use the appropriate rules and guidelines to resolve a dispute.
Abide by the NZ laws governing the rights and safety of minors, as well as the MKCP Child Protection Policy (as stated on the MKCP website).
If you fail to abide by the MKCP COC rules and guidelines, you will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:
Verbal warning by official, head coach, and/or member of MKCP committee
Written warning
Game suspension with written documentation of incident
Exclusion of attending MKCP events
Season suspension / expulsion from the club
When a Complaint is Received
A small group (usually 2-4 people) of the committee will take responsibility to address the situation. We attempt to remove anyone who has a conflict of interest in a situation. This group considers the complaint, any variables that need to be considered and will have the information about the situations. They may seek clarifications from you or others if the information is not clear.
At the end of the procedure, the group will report back to the committee of a player being brought into the disciplinary process formally. Names are not typically shared with the committee outside the COC group unless the breech is at the Red Card Exclusionary level.
A record of any action taken on the below card scale will be recorded as to the nature of the complaint, the date we spoke, actions taken and any plans moving forwards. This information will be available to the Code of Conduct officers from MKCP and stored on a secure server. Coaches and Grade Coordinators will be informed of the formal outcome of any COC breach.
Note - a player may be awarded a card of any colour if the breech is deemed appropriate.
You will be aware if a group is formed to consider a situation even if it is dismissed. You may though not always know who has provided information if we feel this may have an adverse effect for anyone concerned.
If the group speaks to you, there will usually be 2 people present. This ensures everyone’s safety in terms of clarity of discussions and actions. We encourage you to bring someone to support you. If you are U18, this would usually be a parent/caregiver. If no adequate support person is available, the group will ensure a mutually agreeable adult as made available to support you.
Your Rights
You have the right to be part of a complaint against you. You will be able to talk about circumstances generally and if possible, about a specific incident.
Where fitting you may be able to talk with the complainant and seek to resolve issues or apologise if needed.
You can consider what the club can do to support you and be assured we will do what is possible.
What can complaints be about?
Complaints may be made about things such as actions or decisions of organisation members or officials, processes not being managed well (or at all), disagreements between members, unprofessional or upsetting behaviour, or delays or failure to communicate about matters affecting a person.
Complaints may involve:
• organisation management issues
• conflicts of interest (including favouritism)
• off-field unsporting behaviour
• disrespectful behaviour
• bullying
• sexual harassment
• discrimination
• abuse of power
• health and safety risks
• offensive/insulting language or behaviour.
First - Talk to your coach / event organiser / Grade Coordinator
If no resolution is sought, or you wish to escalate your complaint you may contact
Amy Walters - MKCP President and COC Committee Officer 027 2235773
Cheryl Palmer - MKCP Child Protection Officer & COC Committee Officer 0211306716
Anthony Thomas - COC Committee Officer 027 6875804
John Frost - COC Committee Officer 027 3110088