Manawatū Kiwi Canoe Polo
Manawatū Kiwi
Canoe Polo

Secondary School Grade
A number of Secondary schools across the Manawatū district, play competitive Canoe Polo on Monday and Tuesday evenings. This is held across terms 2 and 3 and are run out of Freyberg and Makino indoor pools. Three grades are run, catering from beginners to the most experienced and competitive players. The trophies are hotly contested and prized by our local school players.
This competition is organised by Secondary Schools coordinator Teresa Alcock, sign up for this is managed by school sports coordinators.
Central West Regionals run in March every year. Schools from Taranaki down to Howorwhenua, including Manawatū battle it out for the regional trophies in both Senior and Junior grade divisions Top placing teams from Regionals, are invited to attend the New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships, often held a few weeks later.
Bronwyn Jensen is the Central West Schools Coordinator.
Intermediate Grade
This is run similar to the High School grade. Although this grade you spend the first four weeks learning the skills of the sport before playing games against other intermediate teams. This grade also plays at Makino Pool as well as Freyberg Pool, held on Thursday evenings of terms 2 and 3.
Jo Shepherd and Jonothan Persson coordinate this. Sign-up is managed through schools.