Manawatū Kiwi Canoe Polo
Manawatū Kiwi
Canoe Polo

Social Canoe Polo Nights
Sunday night polo:
Sunday nights are run at Freyberg Pool by Cheryl Palmer from 6 - 8:30pm during term time. This is a place for skill development and games, for all ages and stages of canoe polo. This is a great place for beginners to start. The first half hour is for free on water time, 6:30 - 7.30 is games. 7:30 - 8:30 is for beginner adults.
This is a turn-up and play, so no need to register, $8 per session. There is also gear available at the pool for use. Come in togs and a rash top. New players are always welcome.
All updates for this are on the Facebook page
Friday night social:
Social Canoe polo is played on Friday nights at the Makino pool in Feilding between 6 pm and 8:30 pm during term time. On the night players are put into teams with other players of a similar ability. This is open to all abilities and gear is available for use at the pool.
Keep updated through the Facebook page
$10.00 is paid at the pool reception with your first night free.
Wednesday night B Grade Social:
Wednesday nights are run by Paul Hocquard at Freyberg pool during term time. Targeted at C & B grade players. Players have the opportunity to register their own team or be placed in a team of registered individuals. These games are played with a draw distributed at the beginning of each term. You can register through our Facebook page.
The cost to play is around $70 per term.
A grade Social Games:
These are played on a Friday night at the Hokowhitu Lagoon (Summer) at Freyberg Pool (Winter). This social grade is targeted at players in A grade and upper B grade.
Teams and games are organised through the Facebook group by Georgia Wheeler.